AlphaBrook VoicedIQ®: 5 Key Differentiators

The AlphaBrook VoicedIQ Platform is highly differentiated as the only platform with real-time verbal bid intelligence sourced directly from government buyers. The government buyers we communicate with include Military Leaders, SES Executives, Program Managers & Analysts, Technical Leaders, Procurement Executives, Contracting Professionals, and other participants on Government Evaluation Panels and Source Selection Boards. VoicedIQ provides unique customer insight on any deals within your pipeline, resulting in accelerated decision-making and increased probability-of-win on your proposals.


The AlphaBrook team communicates directly with government decision makers. Positioned strategically with high-level communication partnerships established, we are able to produce qualitative results for you, answering your questions on upcoming opportunities in real time through live interviews with government stakeholders and cataloging their exact feedback in interview-like reports. To put it plainly, we go directly to the source and have exclusive access to the people -  the direct customer and beyond - including programmatic personnel in addition to those on the contracting side. When communicating with decision makers, we receive candid feedback and actionable intel, details that no contractor can easily obtain from their position as potential bidders. You may ask how this is possible? The short answer is: we are a third-party, unbiased and objective by nature. This leads us to the second differentiator.


As a third-party, we have neutral conversations with the government. We don't pursue government contracts for our business and we have procedurally forfeited the right to ever protest a government contract. This allows these candid and unbiased conversations to take place. Thus, the bid intel we receive is information that you normally would not be able to get on your own, given your biased position as potential bidders. Since the government knows we have forfeited the right to protest contracts, they are more willing to talk. And to reiterate, perhaps equally if not more importantly, we do not pursue or bid on government contracts. This has built trust and rapport with the government over our 10+ years in business. Our business model and strategic positioning allows us to find answers to your questions, saving you time while also providing them with an exclusive advantage over their competition. Since AlphaBrook provides this third-party access, you will often have to speak with the government less directly before submitting your proposals, which significantly reduces the chances of other bidders filing protests. Our objective status also allows us to offer a veil of anonymity for you, letting you ask your questions directly and plainly without the worry of being viewed in a particular light (e.g. as non-experts, as overly-demanding, etc.). This of course means that our researchers are calling as representatives of our organization, not as representatives of your organization. We never inquire as an extension of you nor do we market on your behalf. This allows you to stay anonymous, informed, and above reproach through the pre-RFP research process. With our team on the job, we are able to save your valuable time, which leads into the third differentiator.


Through the VoicedIQ Platform, you access bid intelligence in our Quoted Library and in your Custom Research Reports. Our Quoted Library contains millions of program and procurement quoted statements on RFPs, and thousands of buyer contacts across hundreds of upcoming opportunities, with detailed bid intelligence gathered by our researchers available on every page. The best part: all of our subscribed customers can access this winning bid intel within our Quoted Library instantaneously. What’s more is each page in the Quoted Opportunity Library is continuously updated with significant changes and developments as the procurement life cycle progresses, all while new upcoming opportunity pages are added for you to view and follow. To complement our Quoted Library, AlphaBrook’s Custom Reports allow you to ask highly individualized and private questions on specific opportunities of interest that they are qualifying and/or pursuing. With the same third-party advantages mentioned above, our researchers are able to contact government decision makers, receive answers to your specific questions, and relay their findings and government feedback all within three business days, an expeditious feat compared to the 3+ months it often takes for Business Development teams to gather only pieces and parts of the same information. Not only do we help save your valuable time, we also save your hard-earned dollars. This leads into the fourth differentiator.


For many of you, cost is your most important consideration, and so while this is the 4th point on our list, we recognize it may be your number one factor. To cut to the chase, the cost of the AlphaBrook VoicedIQ subscription is significantly less than what an internal Market Intelligence or Business Development hire would be. We have formulated our solution to be 60-70% less than the average business development salary for a reasonably experienced worker. You are able to save tremendous money through our solution while also gathering intel that a “BDer '' would typically not be able to obtain on their own due to our third-party status and unique government outreach process. Since we are the only company in the Federal market providing conversational bid intelligence, prospects will occasionally compare our solution to an internal-hire investment as opposed to other vendors. While many of our clients choose both by hiring AlphaBrook while also growing their business development teams, some cannot afford this. If you are a company deciding between an internal BD hire or investing in our platform, the AlphaBrook VoicedIQ Platform almost always offers the better value. It’s not that internal staff is unimportant, they are extremely important, we just believe you need to bid intelligence first, and the people to act upon that intelligence second. The idea that you need to get certain team members on board before joining our platform is a fallacy. After working with thousands of companies, it’s almost always better for new people to have our bid intelligence on Day 1, as this puts them in the best position for success while also avoiding the risk of developing poor bid intel habits from a lack of corporate bid intel. In summary, we provide the most bang for your buck because we save you money while also providing your team access to exclusive, government-wide bid intelligence - intelligence that is simply not available through any one single employee. Point blank, for many companies, the ROI with our solution is downright scandalous, often ranging between 500-1,000% percent return over the course of a single year, which leads into the fifth and final differentiator for this post.


Measuring the ROI of a solution calculates the amount of return that can be directly tied to that particular investment, relative to the investment’s cost. AlphaBrook’s VoicedIQ solution provides measurable ROI because the intel we provide is obtained exclusively through direct conversations with the government RFP and program buyers. In CY2021 alone, we completed over 20,000 conversations with government decision-makers and added millions of quoted statements to our VoicedIQ Platform, in turn generating over $96B in contract wins for our subscribers. Compared to the hours it can take for a BD team to build their relationships with different agencies, AlphaBrook already has rapport across agencies. With our platform, you are more likely to win contracts and avoid wasteful deals. We gather intel that aids you in deciding whether to continue putting time into an opportunity or not as we communicate with the decision-makers within the Program offices. Fact: we helped our customers save over $275M B&P dollars last year alone, not to mention the exorbitant amounts of time we saved their teams. ROI like this is only possible from the raw verbal feedback we gather through our research process because it’s unique, personalized, and recent.

Through AlphaBrook’s Voice-of-Government® methodology, we provide conversational bid intelligence, create a layer of anonymity, lower BD costs, increase the speed of access to information, and provide outrageous ROI for you. By signing up for the AlphaBrook VoicedIQ Platform, you not only greatly increase their probability of win for Federal pursuits, but you also gain access to exclusive bid intelligence. 

We hope this overview of our differentiators has expanded your understanding of our solution, and perhaps you are convinced enough that you would like to learn more. To talk with us, simply send us an email at or call us at 571-348-2633.

Monica Cardona